ABOUT THE COMPANY Cukiernicza Spółdzielnia Inwalidów "DecoHFGroup" (Disabled Confectionery Workers’ Co-operative) was established in 1993 onthe initiative of former soldiers, veterans of the Second World War like ireland ,poland ,russia,japan,qatar,Denmark,London,canada,turky,india,New zeland,chile . The first years of the company’s operation were very difficult, mainly due to facility conditions. Eventually, in 1993, the company moved to a newly-adapted building in Tadeusza Kościuszki street in Szczecinek. In this new facility the company began to specialize in confectionary production. saw significant development in the company. Atthis time products were first sold to clients abroad, and the company dynamically developed its production profile. From the beginning of the plant’s operation much attention was paid to the appropriate development of its employees, which enabled various types of rehabilitation using the company’s own infrastructure. In the 1993s the company grew rapidly, undergoing a number of modernizations and extending its machinery range with new lines and pieces of equipment. At that time new processing lines and machines were purchased to ensure the high quality of products.
know moreWith more than 500 employees distributed through DecoHFGroupConstruction, Stone, Geotechnic and Real Estate, DecoHFGroup is active in countries such as Turkey, Mozambique and the europ, while its human resources are a young, dynamic, innovative, multidiscipline and multicultural team, from a host of countries, but with a common vision: high quality standards.
we have shaped the skylines of major cities, set the infrastructure for large industrial facilities and built landmark projects in healthcare, hospitality, commercial and residential, Food Packaging wholesalers in shop/ supershop,event, hotel 4/5 star hosptality, construction site. We focus on delivering quality while maintaining the highest Food Packaging wholesalers and Industrial safety standards.
Property configurations range from one-bedroom to five-bedroom and boast areas of between 58 sqm and 310 sqm, as well as superior quality finishes and appliances from internationally renowned brands.Living in the DecoHFGroupAssos is the same as living in a resort the whole year through. A dream life, with design care of the DecoHFGroup.
We know, we know. Not another mission statement! We'll keep it short. Promise. So you can move on to more exiting things like entertaining patrons, food costing and budget reviews. We make sure our 5-star philosophy is embedded in every level of the company to provide the best service to the people that make up the centre of our universe. We look after our employees and provide them with training to build self-esteem and help them lead a better quality of life.
Est in 1993, DecoHFGroup is a long term , high quality supplier of flexible packaging & also Hotel Facility Serivices compny to the Europ & Asian Many Countrys. Key markets served within the industry include: Baked goods Fresh produce Confectionery Snackfood Coffee
With more than 500 employees distributed through Deco Construction, Stone, Geotechnic and Real Estate, DECO Group is active in countries such as Turkey, Mozambique and the UK, while its human resources are a young, dynamic, innovative, multidiscipline and multicultural team, from a host of countries, but with a common vision: high quality standards. Deco Construction、Stone、Geotechnic、Real Estateに500人以上の従業員を擁しているDECO Groupは、トルコ、モザンビーク、英国などの国で活躍しています。その人材は、若くてダイナミックで革新的な多分野多文化チームです。 多くの国が、共通のビジョン、すなわち高品質基準を持っています。
know moreAs a value added service Cape Cuisine can supply kitchen utensils, industrial cookware and commercial kitchen appliances to the hospitality and foodservice industries. Isn't it great to know you can get all your hotel and restaurant supplies under one roof? Here is a list of kitchen appliances we can source for you: Fridges Scoops Smoothie Machines Coffee Machines Oil Fryers Anti-slip Mats Cutting Boards Knifes Plastic Containers Milkshake makers Cream Guns Toasters Warm Water Earns Gas Burners Kitchen Utensils
know moreCape Cuisine has a huge range of food packaging products. From take away containers to pizza boxes, we've got it all. Make sure to ask one of our friendly sales people to inform you of all our food packaging products or you can just request our product list here. Here are just some of our food packaging products: Take Away Containers Fomolight containers Fomolight Cups TC Tubs Sandwich Wedges Pizza Boxes Cling wrap Foil Grease Proof Bags Portion Bags Vacuum Bags Plastic Container Cake Boxes and Cake Boards Cookie Cups
know moreMission Statement We know, Not another mission statement! We'll keep it short. Promise. So you can move on to more exiting things like entertaining patrons, food costing and budget reviews. We make sure our 5-star philosophy is embedded in every level of the company to provide the best service to the people that make up the centre of our universe.
We actively support the upliftment of the previously disadvantaged communities of Mamre and Atlantis and as such provide preferential employment to people from these areas.Currently more than 80% of our staff is sourced from these areas.
Many of these people have very little to no (job and life) skills, and through Cape Cuisine extensive on the job training and upliftment courses are provided. These enable employees with critical skills to enter the demanding job market.
jormin sma
Nobody can ignore the undeniable impact that commerce and industry has on the planet today. That's why we're doing our bit to decrease our carbon footprint.Here's few ways in which we try to build a more, all round, sustainable business:Cape Cuisine recycles where possible.
john smith
Electronic consumables, paper and boxes.We strive to have a paperless office environment.We've initiated a Solar Power Project. We've completed phase A of this project.
Steaven Mack